
Illustrated Examples Of How To Create HTML, EPUB and PDF's With Markdown

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Markdown has gained much traction due to it’s simple syntax and ease of use. You can edit Markdown in plain text, unlike HTML with it’s taggy surrounds. Hyperlinks to other documents and urls are retained without affecting readability. Other attributes will be color-coded in your text editor. Nowadays, markdown is widely used for project documentation, jupyter notebooks and rendering static webpages (like this one!) on modern web frameworks. It is super useful for vimwiki, a personal text-based wiki plugin for Vim.

Code Tip: Use the following command to extract the articles in *clean markdown* from a folder of `.html` documents (you will need `rdrview` (from github) and `pip install html2markdown`):
`for i in *.html ; do echo "$i" && rdrview --template=title,sitename,byline,body -H $i | html2markdown --no-skip-internal-links --no-automatic-links --no-wrap-links --ignore-images --unicode-snob --mark-code --body-width=0 --single-line-break --decode-errors=ignore > $ ; done`

This guide will help you get to grips with writing markdown for yourself.